New Documentary
Film The film is finished and shipping of the DVDs from initial orders is complete. If you have ordered you should receive yours soon. If you left your name on the signup sheet at the reunion but did not place an order when you received the flyer in the mail you should contact Dixie as below. The filmmakers are pleased with the result. Early reviews from family critics are (what else?) positive (grin). If you have received a DVD and are here for more information as suggested on the DVD case and in the film's credits, we have made everything available except a few more pictures of the 1856 Taggart house, which are still to come. We'll tell you everything from what those three flags on the cover are to who is the person with the great voice who spoke for Brigham Young. The most important information, the film credits with extensive notes and a page with lots of detail on the music we used are at the links below. If you have comments or questions please post them in the Taggart Visitor Comments. We'll try to answer your questions or incorporate them into our FAQ. If you are here to order, the film is available as a DVD only, and cannot be provided on VHS. If you would like a copy you can send your contribution of $12.00 plus $2.00 shipping for each DVD by check to the family organization coordinator. If you're buying several we can mail directly to others if you provide their addresses. Please type or print clearly and be sure to provide your return address, phone number and an e-mail address if you have one.
ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND INFORMATION ON THE FILM Film Credits With loads of notes and explanations. Music Page With more loads of notes and explanations. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Taggart House (Courtesy Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Here's the cover art for the DVD. Here is what's inside
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Copyright © 1997-2006, George
Washington Taggart Family Organization
John M. Taggart, Coordinator
All rights reserved
Site Design: Steven L. Berlin
For questions or comments regarding this website please contact by e-mail: Webmaster
Last updated: 07 Jul 2008